Life can be challenging, but you do not have to do it alone. One of the privileges that we have as the body of Christ (which is what Corpus Christi means) is to pray for one another. Besides our corporate times of prayer in the Daily Office or Eucharist liturgies, we offer other opportunities for you to be prayed for. You can find some of these in the 2019 Book of Common Prayer, pp. 223-236.

Rites of Healing from the Book of Common Prayer

  • Ministry to the Sick ( or what we often refer to as “After Service Prayer”). Following the Eucharist services on Sundays, a trained team is available to pray for you confidentially using the “Ministry to the Sick” liturgy from the 2019 Book of Common Prayer. This team also has oil to anoint you if desired. This team prays for more than just sickness. Whether you are in discernment, have anxiety about something coming up during the week, or something else, this team is there to pray for you.

  • Reconciliation of the Penitent (often called “Confession”). This is an opportunity for a priest to hear your confession of sins and to offer counsel, direction, comfort, and most importantly, declare absolution. If you would like to schedule a time for confession, please contact us.

  • Communion of the Sick. If you are going to be missing several weeks of church, we would love to have the church come to you. We have clergy and trained lay leaders who can come and distribute communion in your home or hospital room, please contact us.

Intercessory Prayer

  • Prayer Team. We have a team of four trained prayer leaders that pray weekly for the confidential needs of the church. If you would like the whole church to pray for something, this prayer team can include your request on a weekly prayer newsletter. To share a prayer request with this team, please fill out this form or click the button below. On Sundays there is also a box available on the welcome table with prayer cards outside of the fellowship hall on Sundays if you would like to write a prayer request and submit your request that way.