Welcome to children’s ministry at Corpus Christi Anglican Church. For ages 0-2 we offer nursery from the time the service begins through the passing of the peace. All children are in the service for communion. For ages 3-8 we offer a program called Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS). Catechesis of the Good Shepherd happens weekly between September and May with intermittent Sundays where the children stay in the service. Read below to learn more about child safety, CGS, and how to serve with our youngest disciples at CCAC.


In our church, we have 5 steps to keep children safe:

  1. Screening

  2. Training

  3. Interacting Guidelines

  4. Monitoring

  5. Responding

    Read more about each of these steps here.

2) Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (Coming soon…)

CGS creates space for children to learn how to pray through the church’s liturgy. We have such a great opportunity to disciple children ages 3-8 in an age-appropriate, exploratory way: CGS allows the child to explore the truths of God, their Good Shepherd, through all their senses, through the Scriptures, and through the Church’s worship. You may be wondering what happens during CGS in the atrium (which is the classroom name in CGS). Rather than describe it in words, I’d encourage you to watch the video below:


As a trained leader, there are opportunities to serve alongside one of our catechists, or even to become a catechist! To begin the process of serving our little ones, please fill out the children’s ministry application with the button below: